Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Crazy Dog

So... I was about to leave for work today and I was looking for Lucy to put her in her cage. Well I couldn't find the dog anywhere, not even under the bed (her favorite place to sleep). So I look for about five minutes and couldn't find her so I am start to get worried. I can hear her in the bedroom but can't find her, so I check back under the bed no Lucy that I can see. Well I discover that my crazy dog has pulled a piece of the fabric off the underside of the box spring and climbed into the springs. And she has managed to get her self stuck on the opposite end of the bed in the springs and is crying to get out. So I become frantic and have to rip the fabric off the other end and try to pry her out of the box springs. After about five minutes I finally get  her out.

My question is why on earth would a dog do this? Needless to say she is not allowed in the bedroom until Justin gets home and can staple up the lining again. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here are some pictures of my only subject that isn't sick of me and my new camera.